New Wb

Friday, December 1, 2006

Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards

Does this list really serve any purpose? All names are on Hindi Ringtones U.S. list of most wanted Iraqis. I propose any significant information that is here and not there is transferred, and then this article is made into a redirect. (If anyone cares to transfer the actual card values, be my guest). Sugar Thongs Egil/Egil 22:05 May 5, 2003
::That the cards exist deserves merit for this separate article. Definitely keep the descriptive paragraphs. Whether the list of card assignments stays or goes is a separate issue. It is trivial, but so what. I can name plenty of trivial articles here. motorola ringtones Kingturtle/Kingturtle 22:16 May 5, 2003

Hmm, it does seem that there is an awful lot of duplication here. Not ''necessarily'' a bad thing, but we'll have to keep the two articles in step, by making sure the names and descriptions agree between the two pages, which will be a lot of work. So I'm tempted to agrre with Egil. Still, I do like the idea of showing which person corresponds to which card, arranged neatly into suits like this, which the simple list doesn't show. So I suppose I'm going to have to support keeping both pages. Hmm. Sugar Panties Oliver Pereira/Oliver P. 05:08 May 8, 2003

I'm getting tons of spam email asking me if I want to buy these things. Are they being printed and sold on the Internet by anyone with the rights to them? sprint ringtones User:Zoe/Zoe
:I haven't seen the spam, but I've seen lots of eBay listings and banner ads. that's selling them. Basically it looks like they downloaded the design from and had them printed up from the same company that printed the cards for the government. On the CentCom website it says, "The cards are not available for sale or distribution," but I think that just means the government itself won't be selling them. Since they've released the design, they're letting anyone else print them up and sell them. College Pantys User:Minesweeper/Minesweeper

I think this page really does serve a purpose.
There's been a lot of interest specifically in the card set - witness
not only the spam sales of the cards, but the many articles about them
(including Time, May 12, 2003). There are issues specific to the cards
unrelated to the list of 55 - for example, the weird Hoyle trademark issue.
Besides, it's useful to link to it separately - for example, discussions
of special playing cards through history are easier if this is a
separate document.
comedy ringtones Dwheeler/Dwheeler 02:51 May 9, 2003

Okay, sorry if this is a stupid question, or if it's been explained in one of the articles and I just haven't seen it, but if there are 55 people on the "most wanted" list, and only 52 playing cards, erm... how does that work? Bubble Butt Jeans Oliver Pereira/Oliver P. 02:58 May 9, 2003

''Text moved from the Nextel ringtones Village pump/Village pump''

How come my hearts and diamonds on Daphne DDD Most wanted Iraqi playing cards are green instead of red? Cingular Ringtones Kingturtle/Kingturtle 22:39 May 5, 2003

: You used funny quotes. In HTML tags, just use " or '. terrible dangers Eloquence/Eloquence 22:47 May 5, 2003

::Ah. See, what happened was, I copied the article into Microsoft Word, did a "Replace All" and then copied back to wikipedia. In the process, those little quotation marks got funny. ghazni used Kingturtle/Kingturtle 22:48 May 5, 2003

:::To prevent this from happening, you want to go to Tools/AutoCorrect/AutoFormat as you type and uncheck the options there. me empiric AxelBoldt/AxelBoldt 23:50 May 10, 2003

''End of moved text''

Where were they made?

I wanted to update compliments this US Playing Card Company of kool the Cincinnati as the company who made these cards but this article suggests they were made in Texas. Not that I don't believe them... it's just that I went to the were warned US Playing Card Company in certifiably insane Norwood, Ohio myself and got a pack... Is there a credible source for this information? Oh... wait I get it now. Nevermind, but please clarity? new function US Playing Card Company only made a commercial version? frequently displaced JoeHenzi/JoeHenzi 19:50 and 19:53, 2 Sep 2004


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